Q28. Are there housing units for sale within the same estate?

Ans: Yes, housing units of 3bedroom fully detached bungalow with an attached 1 room boy’s quarters (the proto-type) are available for sale to interested subscribers who may not want to go through the other process of first buying land and then building the same proto-type unit. Each housing unit will be built on 450sqm of land.

Q26. Can RPL build for clients?

Ans: Yes, RPL is very willing and positioned to construct for clients. We would be your preferred construction company/contractor because the fact that we are on ground and have multiple units we will be handling gives us great economy of scale that make our pricing difficult to beat by any outside builder except he will compromise with quality. RPL shall also be your best source for quality building materials for your construction activities.

Q25. Is there any restriction as to the type of building I can have?

Ans: Yes, you are limited to building residential houses (proto type design of what can be built in the estate is available at our office on demand) within the area designated as residential and commercial structures in areas designated as commercial. Provision of shops in residential houses and building of tenement house type (popularly known as FACE-ME-I-FACE-YOU) is not permitted. Due to government regulations and the need to keep to approved layout and building plans, building shall be strictly as we have it in the prototype.

Q21. What happens if I cannot complete payment or default in the payment of the monthly subscription?

Ans: If your land is revoked due to none or irregular payment of your subscription or you indicated your interest at discontinuing the transaction, refund is subject to resale of your plot and you get your contribution less cost of Deed of Contract N10,000 per plot and 30% administrative charge (effective from May 15, 2013). Kindly note that these charges are subject to review. This is because this project is patterned after joint ventures.

Q20. What title would I get eventually?

Ans: Deed of Assignment of the unexpired term of the root title subject to terms and conditions as the Government may determine from time to time including fees to be paid accordingly as would be advised.

Q15. When will my plot(s) be allocated to me?

Ans: Paper allocation will take place after completion of payment for land, documentation, Survey and Development levy deposit. Physical allocation takes place after all necessary payments have been made and account reconciled between both parties as regards size of plot(s) allocated. i. Kindly note that the fees and levy stated above are subject to review. ii. Where review of either the fee or levy takes place before a subscriber completes such fee/levy payment, the reviewed amount is what becomes payable by such subscriber.

Q14. When do I pay Development Levy?

Ans: The development levy is expected to be paid as follows:- N1200 per sqm x 650sqm/450sqm x (the no of plots) will be due for payment along with survey fee after completion of payment of land and documentation before paper allocation. The difference (credit to the subscriber if allocated plot is less than 650sqm/450sqm and debit his/her account if it is more than 650sqm/450sqm) must be paid before physical allocation of plot(s).

Q12. What do you mean by Development Levy?

Ans: Development Levy is the amount payable for infrastructural development in the estate. It is determined on a per square metre basis so that the amount payable by a subscriber is directly proportional to the actual size of the plot(s) allocated.

Q11. What other payments do I make apart from the payment for the land?

1. Legal Documentation Fee: 3% of sales value but not less than N20,000 2. Survey Fee: N90,000.00 per plot 3. Development Levy Deposit: N1,200 per sqm 4. Plot Maintenance Fee: N1,000 monthly Thereafter, Estate Services & maintenance Fee becomes payable per annum 12months after allocation. This applies only to a subscriber that is not coming forward to fulfill the requirements for allocation after paying for the plot(s).  It becomes due and starts to accrue 12months after the completion of payment for plot (i.e the 13th month) till the client steps forward and fulfills all the necessary conditions for allocation.  When necessary payments for allocation are to be made, arrears of Plot Maintenance Fees will have to be paid first. a. Kindly note that the fees stated above are subject to review. b. Where review of any fee takes place before a subscriber completes such payment, the reviewed amount is what becomes payable by the subscriber.

Q5. What is the size of residential/commercial plot?

Ans: We have 2 sizes and they are approximately 650sqm and 450sqm for residential while commercial plot sizes are as indicated in the approved layout. When allocated, account between RPL and the subscriber will be reconciled as to the actual size of the allocated plot(s). Where allocated plot is less than 650sqm or 450sqm, RPL will credit client’s account with the differential at the rate of purchase and vice versa.

Q18. Can RPL build for clients?

Ans: Yes, RPL is very willing and positioned to construct for clients. We would be your preferred construction company/contractor because the fact that we are on ground and shall be handling multiple units give us great economy of scale, making our pricing difficult to beat by any external /outside builder without compromising quality. We can handle the whole building process from architectural design, bill of quantity, building approval processing to actual construction. Also, RPL can also be your best source for quality building materials for your construction activities.

Q34. Can there be changes and/or amendment to this offering as it is presently known?

Ans: The real estate industry just like most others is a dynamic industry and as such things get to change from time to time most especially for the better. However any change, amendment or modification shall be communicated and endorsed by REALTY POINT LIMITED. Such communication shall be via letters, electronic mails, fax, short message service (SMS), handbill, posters and any other means of communication. This correspondence shall be deemed to have been received by the CLIENT having been sent by REALTY POINT LIMITED.

Q33. Can I pay to your agent/staff, etc?

Ans:  While we are not discrediting anybody, we strongly advice that cash should be paid to Realty Point Ltd designated bank accounts. Otherwise, cheques should be issued in favour of Realty Point Ltd only. Please note that the management of Realty Point Ltd accepts no responsibility for any liability that may arise as a result of deviation from the above instruction. NOTE: ALL FEES ONCE PAID ARE NON REFUNDABLE.