Q11. What other payments do I make apart from the payment for the land?

1. Legal Documentation Fee: 3% of sales value but not less than N20,000 2. Survey Fee: N90,000.00 per plot 3. Development Levy Deposit: N1,200 per sqm 4. Plot Maintenance Fee: N1,000 monthly Thereafter, Estate Services & maintenance Fee becomes payable per annum 12months after allocation. This applies only to a subscriber that is not coming forward to fulfill the requirements for allocation after paying for the plot(s).  It becomes due and starts to accrue 12months after the completion of payment for plot (i.e the 13th month) till the client steps forward and fulfills all the necessary conditions for allocation.  When necessary payments for allocation are to be made, arrears of Plot Maintenance Fees will have to be paid first. a. Kindly note that the fees stated above are subject to review. b. Where review of any fee takes place before a subscriber completes such payment, the reviewed amount is what becomes payable by the subscriber.