Q27. How do I start?

Ans:  Pick up or download an application form Start making your Initial down payment For clients who qualify for loan, your mortgage processing starts after completion of your down payment and your monthly repayment starts immediately Self financing clients continue to make payment as per their choice.

Q21. How will I know if my property is ready?

Ans: Owners will be notified in writing upon completion of the project. However, note that possession and occupation of the bungalow shall be deemed to have commenced from the date fixed for Handover and all risks and benefits in respect of the property shall be passed to the purchaser.

Q20. If unable to continue, how and when can I have a refund?

Ans:  Apart from on Rent-To-Own where refund is not an option, refund will be paid less 15% administrative charges of total amount subject to re-sale of property. This hinges on the premise that funds realized from this project are ploughed into the development of the project as the project is patterned after joint ventures.

Q19. Can I amend my structures after taking possession?

Ans: You can amend internally, but for external amendments, approval must be sought from the estate management firm and relevant government quarters. However, Gate house, Generator house and Perimeter fence are allowed in the following dimensions: The Gate House must be ensuite and not more than 12m2 inclusive of any space for cooking if necessary. –  The generator house should not be more than 4.5ft and 7-10sqm in space. –  Low fence (American fence type) block work height of not more than 1m to the ground. –  BQ structure may be approved for the 3 Bedroom fully detached structure according to RPL’s proto type design and specifications.

Q17. What type of finishing are we expecting?

Ans: BUNGALOW SPECIFICATIONS TYPE A: Building Exterior Complete roof installation, UPVC windows, Front & Back security doors, Texcote/Emulsion paint on external rendered wall, Balcony hand railing Building Interior Plastered cement walls, PVC ceiling board, Plastered partition walls, Conduit, wiring and fittings, Water closets in Toilets, Kitchen Zinc , Drainage pipes & fittings, Internal doors (panel/flush) TYPE B: Walls –  External and Internal walls are rendered and painted in Emulsion paint except kitchen, Toilets and Bathrooms. –  Kitchen walls are finished with glazed ceramic tiles up to a height of 2.10m (i.e Floor to door level) –  Visitors’ toilets are finished with glazed ceramic tiles up to a height of 1.50m –  Toilets (with bathrooms) are finished with glazed ceramic tiles to a height of 3.00m (i.e Floor to roof level) Floors –  Sitting, Dinning and Terraces are fully vitrified ceramic floor tiles. –  Toilets and bathrooms are Ceramic floor tiles. –  All rooms are PVC floor tiles. Ceiling –  All ceiling areas are finished with PVC Ceiling stripes. Doors –  Internal doors are quality imported timber panel doors. –  External doors are quality imported iron doors (Buono brand or approved equal) Windows  –  All windows are coated Aluminum casement windows with burglary bars. Fittings & Fixtures  –  Includes Handrails, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets with granite work top. –  All rooms are en-suite

Q16. When is the delivery/handover date from date of completion of payments?

Ans: It is anticipated that the developer will complete the building between 3 to 6 months after payment of the last installment and all other applicable fees. For Rent-To-Own Option, Realty Point Limited will get the property ready for Purchaser’s occupation or rental under the management of Realty Point Limited within 3-6months after the payment of the initial down payment and the first installment of the 60months installments.

Q15. What is the process for the transfer (or change of name) of ownership of the property?

Ans:   We recognize that buyers may need to sell their purchase for varying reasons. However, due to the administrative and legal issues required in the proper transfer of these purchases, we would only honour transfers once full payment has been made. Both buyers have to complete our Housing Unit Transfer Form after which title documents and a Purchase Agreement will be issued to the new owner (buyer). A non refundable fee of N100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Naira only) per unit is payable before the necessary transfer documentations can be made. The transfer fee is subject to review.

Q11. What other payments do I make apart from the payment for the land?

Ans:  i) Survey fee: N150,000.00/plot (Individuals) or N214,500 / plot (Commercial/corporate body) ii) Legal Documentation fee: N100,000 per plot iii) Development Levy:  N972,000 per plot (1,500 per sqm) iv) Electricity Connection Fee: N50,000 v) Plot Maintenance Fee: N2,000 monthly Thereafter, Estate Services & maintenance Fee becomes payable per annum 12months after allocation Plot Maintenance Fee: This applies only to a subscriber that is not coming forward to fulfill the requirements for allocation after paying for the plot(s).  It becomes due and starts to accrue 12months after the completion of payment for plot (i.e the 13th month) till the client steps forward and fulfills all the necessary conditions for allocation.  When necessary payments for allocation are to be made, arrears of Plot Maintenance Fees will have to be paid first. a. Kindly note that the fees stated above (i–v) are subject to review and to be paid per plot b. Where review of any fee takes place before a subscriber completes such payment, the reviewed amount is what becomes payable by the subscriber.

Q5. What is the size of residential/commercial plot?

Ans: Approximately 648 square meters or 60ft x 120ft or 18meters x 36 meters for Residential and Commercial plots are as indicated in the approved layout. When allocated, account between RPL and the subscriber will be reconciled as to the actual size of the allocated plot(s). Where allocated plot is less than 648sqm, RPL will credit client’s account with the differential at the rate of purchase and vice versa.

Q34. Can there be changes and/or amendment to this offering as it is presently known?

Ans: The real estate industry just like most others is a dynamic industry and as such things get to change from time to time most especially for the better. However any change, amendment or modification shall be communicated and endorsed by REALTY POINT LIMITED. Such communication shall be via letters, electronic mails, fax, short message service (SMS), handbill, posters and any other means of communication. This correspondence shall be deemed to have been received by the CLIENT having been sent by REALTY POINT LIMITED.

Q33. Can I pay to your agent/staff, etc?

Ans:  While we are not discrediting anybody, we strongly advice that cash should be paid to Realty Point Ltd designated bank accounts. Otherwise, cheques should be issued in favour of Realty Point Ltd only. Please note that the management of Realty Point Ltd accepts no responsibility for any liability that may arise as a result of deviation from the above instruction. NOTE: ALL FEES ONCE PAID ARE NON REFUNDABLE.

Q32. What is the process for the transfer (or change of name) of ownership of the property?

Ans: We recognize that buyers may need to sell their purchase for varying reasons. However, due to the administrative and legal issues required in the proper transfer of these purchases, we would only honor transfers once full payment for land(plot) has been made. Both buyers (existing & intending) have to complete our Property Unit Transfer Form after which necessary documentation shall be issued to the new owner (buyer). Plot ownership verification, an exercise which should take place in writing and in our office by the new buyer if he/she so desires with the consent of the original buyer (seller now) attracts a fee. A non-refundable Transfer Fee (reviewable from time to time) per unit is payable before the Property Transfer Form can be treated